  • Submit Bugs - Report a bug. Please check first if the bug has already been reported. Try to be as detailed as possible. Include the following information:
    1. Operating System (e.g.. Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10)
    2. 32-bit or 64-bit
    3. .NET version(s) installed
    4. Detailed steps on how you encountered the bug and how to reproduce it if possible
  • Feature Requests - Request a feature. Please check first if the feature has already been requested. Try to be as detailed as possible.
  • Support Requests - Ask for help with a specific problem. Please check first if the problem has already been asked.
Discussion Forums
  • General Discussion - forum about anything you want to talk about.
  • Help - get help on problems. You can also post problems here. Other users might also be able to offer an answer or a suggestion.
  • Website - report website problems, suggestions, etc.
  • Translation - discuss program translation.